Man-made fillings and fleece with multiple performance and recycled levels from down substitute to ECO dyed fleece

如果您需要的是环保型保暖新材料,那就非GEO-ECO THERM莫属。


  1. 摇粒绒(通常由塑料碎片制成,染色需要消耗大量水资源)
  2. 人造棉(同样使用不易再生的塑料)

GEO-ECO THERM为此提供了多种解决方案;

  1. E-DYE EF是一种100%可回收的再生摇粒绒,采用创新染色工艺,大大降低了耗水量;
  2. 由Thermolite提供的100%可回收再生棉,是理想的羽绒替代品;
  3. 大众型的100%再生保暖棉;
  4. 由Thermolite提供的部分再生棉;
  5. 由Repreve提供的100%再生棉;
  6. 100%可回收的轻量保温材料。

用GEO-ECO THERM制作的衣服既保暖,又比目前许多服装更环保。


Offers 100% recycled and recyclable face fabrics and membranes that protect both the user and the environment

如果您需要的是环保型防水透湿功能性面料,那就非GEO-ECO SHELL莫属。


  1. 涤纶或尼龙制成的冲锋衣面料(非再生和不可回收的)

  2. 防水膜(非再生或不可回收)

  3. 破坏环境的深防泼处理

GEO-ECO Shell提供了一个完美的解决方案

  1. 100% recycled and recyclable face fabrics

  2. 100% recycled and recyclable membrane

  3. Both hard- and soft-shell options

  4. PFC free ECO-BIONIC treatment instead of DWR coatings

Garments made with ECO SHELL offer weather protection with a conscience, using less damaging more environmentally friendly options than many currently available garments.

GEO-ECO Ocean Waste

GEO-ECO Ocean Waste is a recycled fabric produced from plastic ocean waste that allows garments to be made with a conscience whilst greatly benefiting the global battle against the ever growing mountain of plastic garbage.



GEO-ECO Biodegradable

GEO-ECO Bio is a biodegradable polyester that decomposes through composting without creating harm to the soil or environment. This fabric reduces the impact on the already strained waste disposal systems around the world.



GEO-ECO Bamboo

GEO-ECO Bamboo Creates a fabric that can offer both sustainability but also comfort and micro temperature management in one simple package.


GEO-ECO bamboo面料可实现微观体温调节,环保性和舒适性兼具。

GEO-ECO Coconut

GEO-ECO Coconut These natural fibre fabrics create garments without damaging the fragile ECO system we all live alongside and which is critical to the future of the planet. With Cocunut shell charcoal yarn this ideal has been achived.

